Mom Gives Birth - Then She Turns To Father And Says: "I'm Sorry" /2



Going to the doctor

Source Photo: CrispyPork

The young couple decided to visit the doctor and figure out what was going on with them. Could there truly be something wrong with them? Or were they simply having some bad luck in that department? Eliza and Ben both worried as the days led up to the doctor's appointment.

Ben is infertile

Source Photo: Andrei_R

The day of the appointment finally arrived and the couple was glad to be able to put their fears to rest. Unfortunately, the news they received was less than calming. After running a few tests on both Eliza and Ben the doctors returned with some troubling news. They learn that Ben is likely infertile, they would have to try and get pregnant another way.



The worst news 

Source Photo: SewCream

Both Ben and Eliza were shocked and saddened by this news. The doctors offered them a few options about what to do next and gave them time to consider which option they felt would be best for their situation. Adoption was the most prominent option that came to the couple’s minds, especially considering a friend of Eliza had recently adopted two boys.

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Not a fan 

Source Photo: Billion Photos

Ben did see the pros of the adoption idea but Eliza wasn’t really a fan. She knew that she was still able to have a child and felt strongly about having a child that she carried to term herself. Adoption was not the same. And adoption already meant that the child or children would not be biologically theirs, so why not try for a child that was at least biologically hers. 



A solution: a sperm donor

Source Photo: Dragana Gordic

Luckily, there were some other options, and one, in particular, that would satisfy Eliza's wishes by far the most. After weeks of debating their options, the couple decided that the best option would be to get a sperm donor. But this was more Eliza's preference than Ben's...

Ben is not excited about it


For Ben the process was difficult. He had always dreamed of having a child of his own and wasn't prepared to let go of that dream. However, he knew the facts and understood how difficult it would be to deny Eliza the same joy. It took a few days, but eventually Ben finally managed to make his decision…

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Source Photo: Purple Anvil

Ben decided that he was going to place his desire to be a parent above his need to be a biological father. Obviously, that wasn’t going to happen for him and there was nothing he could do to change it. But now, the couple had to start the process of finding the right sperm donor, and it was harder than originally anticipated.

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