Know What Will Happen to Your Body if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day


Eat 2 Bananas a Day

You usually think it’s not going to be a delicious choice if you think about healthy food. This is not the case, however, when speaking about bananas, as they are delicious, filling, and nutritious. They are very healthy as well and can keep you away from a lot of illnesses. Bananas are plants that are very popular. They are cultivated by almost every country in the world. They are the third crop in the world with the most abundance. Whether it is a milkshake, banana yogurt, or even a vegan banana ice cream, it can be eaten in many forms. Let’s show you some of the advantages your body can achieve by eating bananas.

2 Can Act Like An Energy Bar

2 Can Act Like An Energy Bar

Because it is rich in simple carbs and sugars, bananas can provide your body with quick calories and energy necessary for exercise and work. It also contains high-dose potassium that can prevent cramps and strains in the muscles. Other banana content, such as minerals and vitamins, will keep the metabolism of your body balanced and make your work better. It will also replace electrolytes that have been lost in sweat.

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3 Helps Relieve Stress

3 Helps Relieve Stress

Bananas will boost you and could help destress you. It will enable you to naturally relieve your low mood. It can also help you with stress management at work, at school, or at home. It can do so because it contains the amino acid tryptophan that is used by the body to manufacture the hormone serotonin. For a healthy mood, serotonin is an essential hormone as it combats depression, anxiety, stress, and poor mood. Every banana also provides 27 mg of magnesium to your body, which allows you to have a good quality of sleep at night.

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4 Helps With Digestion

4 Helps With Digestion

Bananas will make the bowels stronger and more functional. When you have gastritis or heartburn from acid reflux, bananas are a healthy thing to eat. Your body can quickly digest them without any problems with the gastrointestinal tract or pain. There is a starch content in the bananas which is not digested in the intestine. It enters the large intestine where it encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria and makes the stool bulky and prevents constipation. If you want to lose extra weight, you can get a little help by combining your normal diet with bananas.

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5 Can Help Prevent Cancer

5 Can Help Prevent Cancer

Bananas are rich in vitamin C, they serve as an antioxidant that, as oxygen-free radicals, fights against harmful compounds that can cause cancer in the future. Bananas are also rich in natural fibers that make your intestines strong and prevent constipation. For the prevention of colon cancer, this is critical. Eating a banana or other mixed vegetables as frozen green beans every day is a perfect routine for preventing yourself from having a diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma to ensure that you get the recommended amount of fiber.

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6 Helps Against Hypertension

6 Helps Against Hypertension

Each banana contains approximately 420 mg of potassium, which is a large proportion of your daily requirement. Potassium leads to the reduction of high blood pressure. Between sodium and potassium, there is a balance that regulates blood pressure. Bananas contain abundant quantities of potassium and almost no sodium. Bananas will keep the body with fewer quantities of fluids in your body. This lowers blood pressure. The kidneys oversee this mechanism and control the blood pressure of children and adults. Bananas are good nutrition for patients with both diabetes and high blood pressure.

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7 They Can Help You Lose Weight

7 They Can Help You Lose Weight

Bananas are high in fiber, which can help you feel full and minimize the intake of other forms of calories. The fibers will suppress your appetite in any banana and make you eat less. It also stops the blood from having high levels of sugar because it is slowly consumed. This makes your body, especially type 2, more responsive to insulin. Bananas will help us to avoid diseases like diabetes and blood pressure. Your pancreas secretes more of it because your body is not sensitized to insulin, which induces fat deposition and makes you medically obese.

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8 Helps Improve Your Cardio

8 Helps Improve Your Cardio

Latest medical studies have shown that people who eat potassium with a daily intake of 4000 mg or more have dramatically reduced their risk of ischemic heart disease by 49 percent relative to people who only consume 1000 mg daily. Bananas, however, also contain high levels of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and fibers that protect your heart in many ways against disease.

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9 No Such Thing As Overdose

9 No Such Thing As Overdose

As we mentioned earlier, potassium is a very significant component of your cardiovascular health. Nevertheless, too much potassium is just as harmful as its weakness. This can lead to heart failure and arrhythmias that are fatal. The positive news is that it’s very difficult to get potassium toxicity from eating bananas if you are a safe person. This toxicity can only be obtained if you eat around 400 bananas, which is unlikely. So, don’t worry, eating bananas is always going to be one of the best healthy habits.

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10 Helps Against Anemia

10 Helps Against Anemia

Anemia is a disease in the blood due to a lack of hemoglobin. There are various types, such as chronic disease anemia, low iron during pregnancy, renal anemia, postpartum anemia, and anemia of the kidneys. The patient is presented with tiredness, headache, and dyspnea. Bananas can prevent this disease because they provide the body with iron that is necessary for the production of hemoglobin. It also contains vitamin B6, which makes blood glucose normal and helps patients with anemia.

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11 A Good Source Of Potassium

11 A Good Source Of Potassium

The adult human body requires a daily amount of potassium between 3500 and 4700 mg per day. Eating two average banana fruits daily will give you about 900 mg of serum potassium and cellular. This is a good part of your daily RDA. You will also need to have it from other sources to have normal potassium. These other sources include steak, potatoes, Mexican beet, sweet beets, new beet, and Bacardi watermelon. Keeping a normal potassium intake is very important for your daily health. But did you know that these aren’t the only ways that bananas could help you? check out what other people are doing with bananas by continuing reading.

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12 Boiled Bananas

12 Boiled Bananas

We have our own regular rituals to work through until many of us are able to head off to bed. But a particularly odd practice has been introduced into their evening schedules by some people: oddly, they boil up bananas. And, unbelievably, this simple move might help tackle a common problem with which many people are likely to be struggling right now.

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13 Loaded With Benefits

13 Loaded With Benefits

Bananas are filled with health benefits, similar to a variety of other fruits on the supermarket shelf. For starters, they not only contain healthy doses of both vitamin B6 and vitamin C, but they are also filled with fiber, making them great for your digestive system.

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14 No Traces Of Fat

14 No Traces Of Fat

This peelable fruit is also recognized for its potassium content. And if that wasn’t enough, there are a variety of advantages that hide under that tough, yellow skin, which are good for our long-term health. Bananas do not have any traces of fat under the peel, for example, although their sodium levels are also extremely low.

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15 No Cholesterol

15 No Cholesterol

You won’t be able to find cholesterol in bananas, either, making them an ideal daytime snack to munch on. That being said, when the evening rolls around, some folks have also found a novel use for the fruit. In their minds, a common problem can be overcome by boiling single bananas before they reach the sheets.

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16 Banana Tea

16 Banana Tea

So when they sink the sweet fruit into a saucepan of simmering water, what late-night refreshment are they even trying to produce? Well, they’re likely to continue pouring the bubbling banana-infused liquid from the pan into a mug and indulge in a warm drink known to some as “banana tea.”

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17 Preparing The Tea

17 Preparing The Tea

Although the general method itself remains the same, the tea can be prepared in a variety of different ways. And maybe the biggest decision you’ll have to make has to do with the skin of the banana. After all, you can almost definitely take care to remove the peel before you take a bite when you pick up a banana for a snack. With that in mind, when it comes to making this cocktail, it will appear fitting to take the same approach.

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18 The Skin’s Added Benefits

18 The Skin’s Added Benefits

And if you want to use an unpeeled banana, in a matter of minutes, you can literally whip up the tea. But maybe you should think again, as holding the skin on might offer some additional advantages, according to Healthline. In fact, while the bananas themselves are full of fiber, the peel is particularly rich in essential nutrients.

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19 Something To Keep In Mind

19 Something To Keep In Mind

There’s something else you may want to keep in mind if you do like to use the skin in your tea, though. There is a risk that the peel might be drenched in chemicals, depending on the type of banana you bought from the shop. Perhaps your best choice for taking home bananas that are free of such chemicals is to source organic goods.

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20 The Recipe

20 The Recipe

As for the actual banana tea recipe, the Nutri Advanced website states that you need to first trim the top and bottom ends of the banana. After that, the banana can be immersed in the boiling water of the saucepan until this is finished. And if you do wish to keep the skin on the fruit, the site recommends you leave it for about ten minutes in the pan.

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21 Pour Into Cup

21 Pour Into Cup

The banana-brewed liquid can then be carefully poured into a cup after you have given the duration to elapse. To separate the sweetened water from the soft banana slop that will possibly float inside, you will need a sieve, while Nutri Advanced also suggests that if you fancy, this soggy excess can be eaten along with the tea. The website also suggests adding a soothing touch of cinnamon to the taste of the brew.

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22 Good For The Skin

22 Good For The Skin

And considering the nutritional value of the fruit, it is made from, it is probably unsurprising that banana tea is said to be very healthy for our well-being. Healthline states that some of the advantages of the holy banana are preserved by the beverage while also providing us with extra substances such as copper, magnesium, and manganese. When it comes to keeping our skin in good shape, this last nutrient is extremely beneficial.

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23 Not As High As You think

23 Not As High As You think

On this particular topic, however, Healthline did raise an important point. You see, though it is also possible to find both potassium and vitamin B6 in banana tea, their concentrations may not be as high as they are in one banana. Just a certain proportion of the original vitamins and minerals of the fruit will be released into the simmering water that surrounds it, after all.

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24 Maximizing The Nutritional Output

24 Maximizing The Nutritional Output

Healthline then recommends that you stew the fruit for a longer time than the required ten minutes in order to maximize the nutritional output of the boiled banana. However, certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, will always be lost during the preparation of the tea, regardless of your strategy. The site states that vitamin C is “heat-sensitive,” implying that it will not remain in the water for long, inevitably.

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25 A Perfect Beverage

25 A Perfect Beverage

Still, if you are trying to cut down on your food consumption, banana tea might be the ideal beverage. You see, you can get a great deal of its goodness without the need to consume it by scraping the fruit of some of its nutrients. And that’s not all that delicious beverage is good for, either.


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